DoD CIO Issues DoD Cyber Workforce Strategy and Implementation Plan for 2023-2027
AUGUST 3, 2023
On August 3, 2023, the Department of Defense Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO) issued the DoD Cyber Workforce Strategy 2023-2027 and the DoD Cyber Workforce Strategy Implementation Plan 2023-2027.
The scope and pace of malicious cyber activity continues to grow with new threats and attacks to the Nation’s infrastructure emerging daily.
As a result of these threats and other cyber-related challenges, there is an enterprise-wide need to drive cultural change and further the development and sustainment of the cyber workforce.
To meet this requirement, the DoD CIO, in close coordination with other Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Component heads; the Joint Staff; United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM); and the military services, has created the 2023-2027 DoD Cyber Workforce Strategy.
The strategy sets the foundation for how the Department will foster a cyber workforce capable of executing the Department’s complex and varied cyber missions.
The strategy utilizes four human capital pillars — Identification, Recruitment, Development, and Retention — to identify and group cyber workforce challenges. The four pillars also serve as the catalyst for targeted workforce goals, which aid the Department in unifying efforts to achieve the mission and vision of this strategy. The four workforce goals are:
- Goal 1: Execute consistent capability assessment and analysis processes to stay ahead of force needs.
- Goal 2: Establish an enterprise-wide talent management program to better align force capabilities with current and future requirements.
- Goal 3: Facilitate a cultural shift to optimize Department-wide personnel management activities.
- Goal 4: Foster collaboration and partnerships to enhance captivity development, operational effectiveness, and career broadening experiences.
The associated implementation plan outlines a prioritized list of implementation activities the DoD CIO will lead to achieve the goals and objectives of this strategy.
Together, these enable the Department to identify and qualify its military and civilian personnel while also developing plans for recruiting and retaining its highly effective cyber workforce.
You may download each of these documents below.
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