DoD Cyber Workforce
Qualification Matrix

Below is the qualification content for the Department of Defense Manual 8140.03, “Cyberspace Workforce Qualification and Management Program,” February 15, 2023. The content on this page provides amplifying information on proposed specific qualification options and requirements based on the criteria described in Section 3, Cyberspace Workforce Structure and Qualification Program.

As described in the Manual, each Defense Cyber Workforce Framework (DCWF) work role will includes associated foundational qualification options and resident qualification requirements as illustrated in the Sample Work Role Qualification Matrix illustrated below.

DoD Cyber Workforce Qualification Matrix

The information contained in the example table was provided by DoD as a current proposed option to achieve foundational qualification for that work role code.

The file, “DoD 8140 Foundational Qualification Options” contains foundational qualification options for both the Education Foundational Qualification Option and the Personnel Certification Foundational Qualification Option. The file contains this information as nominated during Cyber Workforce Management Board sponsored qualification panels, – and in the case of personnel certifications reviewed by a third party.

DoD has provided updated foundational qualification options for the Cybersecurity and IT Cyberspace (Information Technology) workforce element work roles. They can be downloaded here:


IT Cyberspace

Cyber Enablers

The file, “Cyberspace Training Repository” contains Component-nominated and approved content for the Training Foundational Qualification Option. Along with the content contained within this file, and as stated in the DoDM 8140.03, any training approved for the Cyber Mission Forces will also be accepted for the corresponding DCWF work role.

In addition, The Defense Cyber Crime Center, Cyber Training Academy developed the “Cyber 101” foundational course, which is aligned as a Training Foundational Qualification Option for most Cyber Enabler and Intelligence Workforce (cyberspace) work roles.

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