DoD Data Science Jobs
Big data analytics is an emerging technology experiencing dramatic evolution in the formalization of data practices, policies, standards, and leadership across the Department of Defense. As a result, the number of DoD data science jobs — jobs that focus on planning for acquisition, management, analysis of, and inference from data — are experiencing exponential growth.
These DoD data science jobs will be capable of applying analytics channels to deliver data-driven, end-to-end recommendations and solutions that are relevant across DoD — utilizing the knowledge and tools to quickly transform terabytes of data into intelligence, mission objectives, and successful operations.
Below is a list of data science jobs in DoD and across the government.
DoD Data Science Workforce Element Jobs: Acquisition
Data Science Job Title | What Does This Job Do? |
Procurement Analyst | Reviews proposed contractual actions for conformance with regulatory requirements and procurement practices. |
Contract Price / Cost Analyst | Evaluates cost and/or price proposals, contract changes, repricing actions and final contract pricing. |
Contract Specialist | Plans and conducts the contracting process from the description of the requirements through contract delivery. |
DoD Data Science Workforce Element Jobs: Actuarial Science
Data Science Job Title | What Does This Job Do? |
Actuary | Applies knowledge of mathematics, statistics, business, finance, economics, and insurance to programs or problems related to the financial risks posed by life, health, retirement/pension, and property/casualty entities and contingencies. |
Statistician | Performs scientific work or provides professional consultation in applying statistical theories, techniques, and methods to gather, analyze, interpret, and/or report quantified information. |
Mathematician | Performs scientific work that involves conducting research on basic mathematical principles, methods, procedures, techniques, or relationships; or developing mathematical methods to solve a variety of scientific, engineering, economic, and/or military problems where precise specification of the relationships, rigor and economy of mathematical operations, and logical deduction are the controlling considerations. |
Mathematical Statistician | Designs, develops, and adapts mathematical methods and techniques to statistical processes. Performs research that relates to the basic theories and science of statistics. |
DoD Data Science Workforce Element Jobs: Census
Data Science Job Title | What Does This Job Do? |
Economist | Researches economic phenomena, analyzes economic data, and prepares interpretive reports. Provides advice and consultation on economic matters to governmental officials and private organizations or citizens. |
Financial Economist | Makes studies, analyzes data, develops policies, and provides professional advice on the economics of money, banking, credit, investments and securities as they relate to particular problems or responsibilities of the Federal Government. |
Statistician | Performs scientific work or provides professional consultation in applying statistical theories, techniques, and methods to gather, analyze, interpret, and/or report quantified information. |
DoD Data Science Jobs Community: Economics
Data Science Job Title | What Does This Job Do? |
Economist | Researches economic phenomena, analyzes economic data, and prepares interpretive reports. Provides advice and consultation on economic matters to governmental officials and private organizations or citizens. |
Financial Economist | Makes studies, analyzes data, develops policies, and provides professional advice on the economics of money, banking, credit, investments and securities as they relate to particular problems or responsibilities of the Federal Government. |
Industry Economist | Analyzes the production, distribution and consumption of particular commodities or services; and the organization, capitalization, markets, and other economic conditions affecting the industries which produce these commodities or services. |
International Economist | Work involves the study of the interplay of economic forces between and among the nations of the world. These economic forces include movement across national borders of goods and services; of people–both consumers and labor; of money; and of ideas, particularly technological ideas but including also social, cultural, or political ideas when pertinent to economic activity. |
DoD Data Science Work Element Jobs: Energy
Data Science Job Title | What Does This Job Do? |
Public Utilities Specialist | Investigates and analyzes the business management organization and financial structure of public utilities in connection with licensing or regulatory actions. The utilities primarily involve telecommunications, electric and gas power, water, steam, and sewage disposal. Analyzes utility rate schedules to determine their reasonableness and applicability. |
Industry Economist | Analyzes the production, distribution and consumption of particular commodities or services; and the organization, capitalization, markets, and other economic conditions affecting the industries which produce these commodities or services. |
DoD Data Science Workforce Element Jobs: Finance
Data Science Job Title | What Does This Job Do? |
Accountant | Prepares, analyzes, interprets and presents accounting data; operates, maintains, and modifies accounting systems; uses accounting information to recommend solutions to management problems and structuring of organization programs; or designs, implements, and assesses internal control processes and systems. |
Auditor | Performs work consisting of a systematic examination and appraisal of financial records, financial and management reports, management controls, policies and practices affecting or reflecting the financial condition and operating results of an activity; conducts performance audits; conducts activities related to the detection of fraud, waste, and abuse; or develops and utilizes risk assessments from the organizational to transactional levels. |
Budget Analyst | Performs analytical, technical, and advisory functions in one or more phases of the budget administration process (budget formulation and justification, presentation and enactment, or execution). |
Financial Analyst | Performs analytical and evaluative work requiring knowledge of the theory and principles of finance applicable to the full range of financial operations and transactions involved in the general activities of business corporate organizations; and related basic economic, accounting, and legal principles. |
Financial Manager (Account/Auditing Services) | Coordinates and synthesizes financial and management data so as to interpret the composite financial results of operations to all levels of the organization’s management. Provides analysis and advice in the design, adaptation, or installation of automated accounting systems. |
Fiscal Specialist | Analyzes market values and recommends investment alternatives. |
Resources Analyst | Monitors and tracks the progress of financial activities toward program objectives. Recommends reprogramming actions to realign resources. |
Resources Control Specialist | Plans, develops, and implements automated financial and/or accounting systems. Reviews and analyzes systems operations to resolve issues related to the processing of fiscal, cost, property, and other financial data. |
DoD Data Science Workforce Element Jobs: Foreign and Global Policy
Data Science Job Title | What Does This Job Do? |
Foreign Affairs Analyst | Performs research and/or analysis related to policy options and strategies, and contributes to the revision, development, and/or implementation of policies. |
Foreign Affairs Officer | Performs research and/or analysis related to policy options and strategies, and contributes to the revision, development, and/or implementation of policies. |
Foreign Affairs Research Specialist | Receives, stores, and reviews information pertaining to foreign affairs issues. Analyzes material and information, and evaluates the significance of the information reviewed. |
DoD Data Science Workforce Element Jobs: General Government
Data Science Job Title | What Does This Job Do? |
Data Analyst | Manipulates large data sets and uses them to identify trends and reach meaningful conclusions to inform strategic business decisions. |
Data Scientist | Designs data modeling processes to create algorithms and predictive models and perform custom analysis. |
Data Engineer | Transforms data into a useful format for analysis. Cleans, aggregates, and organizse data from disparate sources and transfers it to data warehouses. |
AI / ML Engineer | Builds, tests, codes, integrates, and deploys AI tools; expert at coding and programming. |
AI Researcher | Overall AI expert; pushes DoD AI capability forward by predicting and preparing for future use cases; innovator of AI tools. |
DoD Data Science Workforce Element Jobs: Government-to-Citizen Services
Data Science Job Title | What Does This Job Do? |
Veterans Claims Examiner | Perform quasi-legal work involved in developing, examining, adjusting, reconsidering, or authorizing the settlement of claims filed by veterans, their dependents and beneficiaries, in regard to disability compensation, disability pension, death pension, death compensation, National Service Life Insurance and U.S. Government Life Insurance, as well as other Veterans Administration administered benefits. |
Grants Management Specialist | Performs administrative business, policy, and analytical work involving the management, award, and/or obligation of funds for grants, cooperative agreements, and other related instruments and services; the competitive or non-competitive evaluation of grants proposals; and/or the administration of grants. |
Public Health Analyst | Performs analytical work contributing to the improvement of public health programs. Researches and prepares studies related to a particular public health, health administration, and/or preventive medicine issue, problem, subject or topic. |
Public Health Educator | Performs research in public health education. Analyzes behavioral and other situational factors affecting good health practices of individuals, groups, and communities; and plans health education programs designed to meet the needs of particular individuals, groups, or communities. |
DoD Data Science Workforce Element Jobs: Medical and Health Care
Data Science Job Title | What Does This Job Do? |
Advanced Practice Nurse | Designs and develops database management systems for use in hospitals, clinics, and other medical environments. Analyzes clinical research protocols and programs to develop recommendations and promote clinical trial efficiency and productivity. |
Biomedical Engineer | Work involves activities utilizing biotechnology to improve and provide healthcare systems and devices. Develops and designs biomedical technology, equipment, or systems. |
Chemist | Work involves the investigation, analysis, and interpretation of the composition, physical and chemical properties, molecular structure and chemical reactions of substances; the prediction of transformation they undergo; and the amount of matter and energy included in these transformations. |
Clinical Laboratory Scientist | Performs professional clinical laboratory science work supporting the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. Collects and analyzes data in support of medical research; designs laboratory procedures; and establishes and monitors quality control systems and measures. |
Consumer Safety Officer | Investigates potential product defects and regulatory violations. Inspects establishments that manufacture, process, store, distribute, or sell the products. Evaluates raw materials, manufacturing methods and processes, laboratory analyses, packaging and distribution methods, labeling, storage conditions, and quality control techniques in terms of their effects on safety, purity, and effectiveness of the products and the accuracy and adequacy of labels, instructions, and warning statements. |
Epidemiologist | Designs, conducts, or coordinates epidemiological studies, surveys, investigations, or research. Interprets and analyzes epidemiological health statistics and epidemiological studies, investigates the causes and control of epidemics, and identifies trends in population groups. |
Health Physicist | Performs activities concerned with the protection of persons and their environment from unwarranted exposure to ionizing radiation. Conducts tests and surveys to detect and measure radiation exposure, analyzes the environmental aspects of radiation and radioactivity, and performs mathematical calculations and other analytical methods. |
Health Science Officer | Develops or interprets clinical and administrative policies and guidelines for implementation of major health science programs. |
Health Science Specialist | Develops policies, procedures, and criteria for administration of the organization’s health science research program. Establishes program goals and objectives and identifies results indicative of successful program accomplishments. |
Health Scientist | Designs, oversees, implements, and/or participates in scientific studies, surveys, investigations, or projects to develop information in such areas as causes and methods of disease prevention, control, and treatment. |
Health Scientist Administrator | Carries out clinical studies based on measurements of the treatment, reactions by patients, and success rates in clinical trials; analyzes the data collected. Analyzes demographic, physiological, biological, and/or sociocultural data in order to improve the quality of practice and clinical care outcomes. |
Health System Administrator | Provides administrative management of a health care delivery system. Develops and coordinates internal review systems to assure that both clinical and administrative activities are in compliance with accreditation standards and regulatory requirements. Develops internal policies and programs concerning budget and fiscal management, personnel management, and public relations. |
Health System Specialist | Analyzes, evaluates, advises on and/or coordinates health care delivery systems and operations. |
Industrial Hygienist | Performs work involving environmental conditions which adversely affect the health and safety of people in the workplace. Conducts scientific research to provide data on possible harmful conditions in the workplace. |
Pharmacist | Performs professional pharmacy work that involves compounding prescriptions; formulation, preparation, bulk compounding, selection, dispensing and preservation of drugs, medicines, and chemicals; research on special vehicles or variations of standard formulas to meet the needs of individual patients and on original techniques of compounding and making available for use new investigational drugs; advising on drug therapy and usage; evaluating drug proposals submitted by private industry; and/or surveillance of marketed drugs for safety and efficacy. |
Physician | Designs, oversees, implements, and/or Participates in medical studies, surveys, investigations, or projects, e.g., clinical and/or epidemiological field investigations, to develop information in such areas as causes, methods of prevention and control, and methods of treatment of disease. |
Public Health Analyst | Performs analytical work contributing to the improvement of public health programs. Researches and prepares studies related to a particular public health, health administration, and/or preventive medicine issue, problem, subject or topic. |
DoD Data Science Workforce Element Jobs: Natural Resources and Environment
Data Science Job Title | What Does This Job Do? |
Biologist | Conducts biological studies and investigations. Conducts theoretical and experimental studies and develops methodology in a biological area of focus. Prepares analyses that assess environmental conditions and impacts, such as biological opinions, evaluations, listing documents, endangered species recovery plans, and/or habitat conservation plans. |
Biological Scientist | Conducts scientific studies and projects in support of natural resource management programs, investigations, or surveys. Researches and compiles information or develops databases for use in natural resource management activities. Summarizes data, makes calculations, and provides statistical analyses. |
Botanist | Performs research or scientific work that involves the study of plant life. Studies, inventories, and investigates botanical and ecological conditions in support of botanical projects. |
Environmental Engineer | Performs professional engineering and scientific work involving environmental programs and projects in the areas of environmental planning; environmental compliance; identification and cleanup of contamination; and restoring and sustaining environmental conservation. |
Environmental Protection Specialist | Performs administrative or program work relating to environmental protection programs (e.g., programs to protect or improve environmental quality, control pollution, remedy environmental damage, or ensure compliance with environmental laws and regulations). |
Fish Biologist | Performs research or scientific work that involves preserving, conserving, propagating, and managing fish and other aquatic species populations and their habitats for ecological purposes and to benefit the public. |
Forester | Performs research or scientific work involving developing, producing, conserving, and utilizing the natural resources of forests and associated lands. |
Geologist | Conducts geologic surveys and mapping, engineering geology projects, development of new techniques, and laboratory analysis. |
Geophysicist | Investigates, measures, analyzes, evaluates, and interprets geophysical phenomena and artificially applied forces and fields related to the structure, composition, and physical properties of the earth and its atmosphere. |
Hydrologist | Performs research on water and water resources; the collection, measurement, analysis, and interpretation of information on water resources; the forecast of water supply and water flows; and the development of new, improved or more economical methods, techniques, and instruments. |
Microbiologist | Plans projects that involve the use of, or that have an impact on, the environment and/or natural resources. Prepares analyses that assess environmental conditions and impacts, such as biological opinions, evaluations, listing documents, endangered species recovery plans, and/or habitat conservation plans. |
Oceanographer | Plans, organizes, conducts, and administers seagoing and land-based study and research of ocean phenomena for the purpose of interpreting, predicting, utilizing, and controlling ocean forces and events. Work involves the collection, measurement, analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of natural and physical ocean phenomena. |
Physical Scientist | Conducts physical science studies and investigations. Develops and designs technology, equipment, or systems for a broad range of inter-disciplinary activities and highly specialized functions that cut across conventional lines of the physical sciences, such as mathematics, electronics, computer science, or engineering. |
Rangeland Management Specialist | Performs scientific work that involves conserving, developing, and managing rangelands. Analyzes and protects natural resources, develops programs and standards for rangeland use and preservation, and advises officials and landowners on rangeland management practices. |
Soil Conservationist | Performs research or scientific work involving conserving soil, water, and related environmental resources to achieve sound land use. |
Soil Scientist | Performs research or scientific work that involves investigating soils, managing soil, adapting soils for alternative uses, and soil genesis, preservation, geography, classification, and morphology. Carries out soil surveys, classifying and mapping soils. Conducts soil management investigations and provides recommendations for planning and monitoring. |
Wildlife Biologist | Performs research or scientific work that involves conserving, propagating, managing, protecting, and administering wildlife species. |
DoD Data Science Workforce Element Jobs: Operations Research
Data Science Job Title | What Does This Job Do? |
Data Scientist | Designs data modeling processes to create algorithms and predictive models and perform custom analysis. |
Operations Research Analyst | Performs scientific work that involves designing, developing, and adapting mathematical, statistical, econometric, and other scientific methods and techniques to analyze management problems and provide advice and insight about the probable effects of alternative solutions to these problems. |
Operations Research Analyst (Cybersecurity) | Performs scientific work that involves designing, developing, and adapting mathematical, statistical, econometric, and other scientific methods and techniques to the analysis of cybersecurity issues and problems. Cybersecurity work involves the security of and operations in cyberspace. |
DoD Data Science Workforce Element Jobs: Telecommunications
Data Science Job Title | What Does This Job Do? |
Telecommunications | Develops specifications and plans telecommunications programs and projects involving testing equipment, services, and software for performance acceptability; and related work connected with the acquisition, technical acceptance, installation, testing, modification, and replacement of telecommunications equipment, services, and systems. |
DoD Data Science Workforce Element Jobs: Transportation
Data Science Job Title | What Does This Job Do? |
Air Traffic Control Specialist | Designs and/or develops new air traffic control procedures, methods, systems, and/or concepts. Analyzes, tests, and evaluates new air traffic control procedures and operations. |
Transportation Industry Analyst | Plans, manages, and implements analytical studies and statistical analyses of various segments of the transportation industry for purposes of evaluating carrier proposals or matters related to exemptions from regulatory controls. |